

Industry Expertise & Use Cases

Our core team has more than 10 years of experience in predictive analytics and applying machine learning to diverse data science and AI projects. We can rely on our expertise in artificial intelligence and big data areas, having created many Big Data and machine learning applications, including algorithms and libraries. Additionally, we have successfully competed in a great number of machine learning competitions.

An overview of industries we serve and a selection of use cases for which we have developed models:


  • Banking & Insurance
  • Analytics
  • Online Retail
  • Streaming & Cinema
  • Media & Television
  • Sports analytics
  • Travel, Airline & Cruise
  • Supply Chain

Cases of application

  • Derivative pricing
  • Demand forecast prediction
  • Turn over forecast
  • Closing probabilities for opportunities prediction
  • Sports outcome prediction
  • Credit default probability
  • Fraud detection
  • Product recommendations
  • Ranking

It all started with the Netflix Prize: Awards & Recognition

Our predictive analytics lead executives, Andreas Töscher and Michael Jahrer, are constantly competing in machine learning cups and competitions, showing that they are in the forefront of the ML community.

In recent years, they have won several prestigious competitions, including the most important and most valuable, the Netflix Prize.

Competition Wins – an excerpt from past successes:

  • Netflix Grand Prize Winner
    “Netflix Prize was all about to improve the accuracy of predictions about how much someone is going to enjoy a movie based on their movie preferences”. More than 50,000 contestants from 186 different countries joined Netflix Prize. The Prize was worth a million US-dollars.
  • Netflix Progress Prize Winner
    “The Netflix Prize lasted 3 years. In each of the first two years, a Progress Prize of $ 50,000 was awarded”
  • KDD Cup Winner
    “Each year, the KDD Conference hosts its own cup, attended by the best of the community.”
  • 5-times Kaggle Competition Winner
    “Kaggle is a platform to attract and challenge machine learning experts and data scientists to solve machine learning and predictive analytics problems. It has more than 500,000 active members from nearly 200 countries. Kaggle is the number one for ML enthusiasts to compete for prizes and improve their Kaggle rankings. There are only a few dozen grandmasters, but Michael Jahrer is one of them.”


Please check our Kaggle profiles for latest activities:

Michael Jahrer

Andreas Töscher

Research & Conferences

Each year, our analytics team participates in machine learning and data science conferences such as NIPS, ICML and KDD. Furthermore, our executives are frequently asked to give technical lectures or to participate in panel discussions.


mindfex GmbH
Hauptplatz 12 · 8580 Köflach · Austria
+43 3144 94194